Chris Vargas is a class of 2027 stud that prep and Catholic schools in the Lawrence area will be fighting over for the next year. This kid has all the goods and is a proven winner in the Eastern Massachusetts Pop Warner Conference.

Chris Vargas has a great release and control of the game. He throws the deep ball with accuracy and enough air under the ball to out pace defenders and land perfectly in his targets hands. Literally standing head and shoulders above the competition he definitely passes the eye test. He is already 5'10 155lbs in the 7th grade. He also plays AAU basketball and travel baseball. Running a New England Patriots style play action offense, he fakes handoffs with the sage of a high school senior, whips his head around and throws very catchable balls.
Chris has won two straight Eastern Mass championships and looks to continue to contribute to his teams winning ways in the future. Chris is a member of the Qb hit list class of 2027 list and deservingly so.
You can view his highlight tapes in the hudl link below.
You can follow him on instagram at
Chris is one of the ten selections for the Top 10 New England list for the 12u age bracket. To nominate a player submit a nomination to